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 It’s Never too Late to Straighten Your Smile

Braces as an adult? No way. At least, that was what I thought when my dentist told me that I was going to have to see an orthodontist about my crooked teeth. But my teeth were so misaligned that they were causing me pain when I chewed, so I decided to at least look into it. Turns out braces today are nothing like the ones my friends had when I was a kid. Mine were practically invisible, and I didn't need to wear them that long. I started this blog to encourage other people like me who are nervous about the prospect of wearing braces as an adult. My straight smile is so worth the trips to the orthodontist, and wearing braces was nowhere near as bad as I thought. Read on to find out more about how you can straighten your smile.

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It’s Never too Late to Straighten Your Smile

The Advantages Of Choosing Bonding To Fix A Cracked Tooth

by Jacqueline Byrd

If you have a chipped tooth, then your dentist will investigate the injury to see if the internal tooth pulp has been damaged. If the pulp is in good health and the chip is superficial, then a cosmetic approach may be taken to make the chip appear less noticeable. You have a wide variety of options that include crowns and veneers. You can also choose bonding. Keep reading to learn about some of the advantages of this treatment.

It Can Be Fixed Quickly

If you have ever had a cavity removed and fitted with a tooth-colored filling, then you are familiar with the type of composite resin that is used in dentistry to repair the teeth. Composite resin is made from a mix of surgical grade plastic and glass. This mix mimics both the strength and appearance of your tooth enamel. Composite resins are made to react with a special UV light. This allows your dentist to build the resin into layers that are continually hardened. When this happens, the material is sculpted to fit into your tooth.

Porcelain that is used to construct veneers and crowns will also look very similar to your natural tooth enamel. However, porcelain implements cannot be constructed in the mouth. High heat methods, sophisticated molds, and dental technology are required to make these devices. This means that you will have to wait for some time to receive a crown or veneer, but you will not have to wait for dental bonding. This is advantageous if you want your tooth fixed immediately.

Enamel Does Not Need To Be Removed

Dental bonding is considered a temporary treatment. Resin composites do need to be replaced once they start to wear down. Your bonded repair will last about the same amount of time as a composite dental filling. These fillings last about five to seven years in most cases, depending on the size and location. 

While the need for replacement is one of the downsides of receiving dental bonding, the material does adhere directly to your tooth enamel. It does not cover your tooth like a crown or veneer. This means that your tooth does not need to be altered in any substantial way, if you want a bonded repair. If you choose a different type of restoration, tooth enamel will need to be released. Crowns require the most removal of your tooth enamel. As much as one millimeter of the material must be ground away. This means that other restorations are permanent and non-reversible since your teeth are damaged in the process. This is not a concern with bonding. 

For more information, contact local professionals like David D. Childress, DDS.
