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 It’s Never too Late to Straighten Your Smile

Braces as an adult? No way. At least, that was what I thought when my dentist told me that I was going to have to see an orthodontist about my crooked teeth. But my teeth were so misaligned that they were causing me pain when I chewed, so I decided to at least look into it. Turns out braces today are nothing like the ones my friends had when I was a kid. Mine were practically invisible, and I didn't need to wear them that long. I started this blog to encourage other people like me who are nervous about the prospect of wearing braces as an adult. My straight smile is so worth the trips to the orthodontist, and wearing braces was nowhere near as bad as I thought. Read on to find out more about how you can straighten your smile.

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It’s Never too Late to Straighten Your Smile

4 Reasons to Visit the Dentist if You Are Pregnant

by Jacqueline Byrd

If you are pregnant, you probably already know the importance of regular prenatal checkups with your OB/GYN, but you might not know that seeing the dentist during pregnancy is also important. Here are some of the many reasons you should consider scheduling an appointment with your dentist if you are expecting.

Morning Sickness

Whether you experience morning sickness in just your first trimester or all throughout your pregnancy, it can have an adverse effect on your teeth. Stomach acids from vomiting can damage the enamel of your teeth, so you'll want to have your dentist perform a checkup to ensure your teeth are getting the care they need. Your dentist can make certain recommendations to help prevent this damage, such as rinsing your mouth out after each morning sickness episode. 

Toothpaste Sensitivity

Some women develop sensitivities to certain tastes during pregnancy, which can sometimes make it difficult to find a toothpaste that doesn't leave them feeling queasy. If you find that the taste of your toothpaste or mouthwash is making you feel nauseated, consider asking your dentist for other recommendations. He or she may have a few different options you can try so you can keep up with your daily oral health routine.

Dry Mouth

You may experience dry mouth during pregnancy, which can sometimes lead to infections and bad breath. Your dentist can look for signs of these problems and provide advice for how to combat dry mouth and related issues, such as lozenges or sugar-free gum. If you are having significant issues with dry mouth or producing saliva, your dentist may be able to offer prescription medications you can use to combat the problem.

Bleeding Gums

You may find that your gums start bleeding unexpectedly during pregnancy. It's estimated that up to 75 percent of pregnant women deal with this condition. Bleeding gums during pregnancy are typically caused by bacterial gingivitis. You'll want to have your dentist examine your teeth and gums if you are experiencing this problem, particularly because it can lead to periodontal disease. Women with periodontal disease are up to eight times more likely to deliver their babies prematurely.

There are nonsurgical, non-invasive procedures your dentist can recommend for treatment. Prenatal care is important during pregnancy, and so is oral healthcare. Be sure to make regular visits with services like Highland Dental a part of your pregnancy plan, and be sure to discuss any symptoms you are experiencing, such as dry mouth or bleeding gums, so you can take the appropriate steps to keep your mouth healthy. 
